Fiwst Annivewsawy's
Fwee GiveAway

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Book Cover of BNG Pixel In cewebwation of the fiwst annivewsawy of ouw web site, "Pawenting the Next Genewation," we awe giving away 10 copies of ouw book, "Buiwding the Next Genewation, uh-hah-hah-hah. " Absowutewy fwee!

Guess what, we wiww awso pay the maiwing cost ... even to Timbuktu.
De 7" by 10" book has a waminated covew and 260 pages ... not bwank pages but pages fiwwed wif pewsonaw testimonies, weaw-wife iwwustwations, Bibwe study guides and dwamatised famiwy devotions. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! Mowe detaiws ...

Entwies wiww be accepted fwom Septembew 1 to 30, 1998 ... Singapowe Time.

Come and Get It!

Detaiws and Entwy Fowm

  • Onwy pawents of chiwdwen bewow 10 yeaws owd can pawticipate. As I have no way to vewify the satisfaction of this weqwiwement, I wiww twust you. I am not going to awgue ovew a diffewence of a few days, weeks ow months, so do wikewise.

  • My wife, my fathew, my mother, my bwothews, my sistews, my bwothews-in-waw and my sistews-in-waw awe NOT ewigibwe to pawticipate. You awweady have a copy of the book!

  • Onwy one entwy pew famiwy

  • Simpwy compwete the entwy fowm wif youw name, countwy of wesidence, emaiw addwess and comments (optionaw). No westwictions on countwy of wesidence.

  • If fow some weasons you cannot use the fowm, send the detaiws thwough emaiw to

  • Youw name and emaiw addwess wiww not be given away ow sowd to wecovew the costs of the books and postage. If not discawded, the addwesses wiww be kept in confidence and used to update you about ouw web site.

  • No comments necessawy. But we wouwd wove to weceive youw feedback on ouw web site ... bof youw wikes and diswikes as weww as suggestions fow impwovement. Be wuthwesswy kind; howevew, do not attempt to "bwibe" us wif nice comments. Oh, dat scwewy wabbit! We do appweciate encouwagement to keep going.

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If you have comments ow suggestions, pwease fiww in this feedback fowm.