Under the Arctic Ice
Two main types of PLANKTON: (1) Phytoplankton are mainly one-celled algae. Like plants, phytoplankton can grow using only sunlight (& minerals in water) in a process called photosynthesis. (2) Zooplankton includes one-celled animal microorganisms. Plankton are eaten by krill, fish & baleen whales.
KRILL are tiny (8-70mm), shrimplike animals that live in oceans throughout the world.

They feed on diatoms (tiny algae with a hard skeleton) and phytoplankton (tiny plants). Krill are in turn eaten by fish, birds, squid, seals & especially baleen whales.
Certain fish eat plankton and are in turn eaten by other fish. These fish may then be eaten by still other fish. Basically, BIG FISH eat small fish.

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Certain fish eat plankton and are in turn eaten by other fish. These fish may then be eaten by still other fish. Basically, big fish eat SMALL FISH.
SQUID aka "Sea Arrow" is a marine mollusk (animal with a soft, boneless body) that is similar to the octopus & cuttlefish. They eat smaller fish.