"Happy Feet" Movie :: Penguins

  1. Penguins live _______________.

    1. in the Northern Hemisphere

    2. in the Southern Hemisphere

    3. only in Antarctica

    4. in small enclosures called "pens"

  2. Penguins are excellent _______________.

    1. butlers and waiters

    2. swimmers and divers

    3. singers and dancers

  3. When penguins slide on their bellies, it is called _______________.

    1. skating

    2. sleding

    3. tobogganing

  4. The largest species of penguins is _______________.

    1. emperor penguins

    2. giant penguins

    3. blue penguins

    4. yellow-eyed penguins

  5. The smallest species of penguins is _______________.

    1. Adélie penguins

    2. blue penguins

    3. Fiordland penguins

    4. teeny penguins

  6. _______________ is NOT part of a penguin's protection against the cold weather.

    1. A thick fur coat

    2. A thick layer of fat under the skin

    3. A uniform layer of waterproof feathers on the body

  7. Penguins feed on _______________.

    1. fish, cuttlefish, crustaceans and other small sea creatures

    2. fish only

    3. food scraps discarded by human beings

    4. human beings

  8. Natural predators of penguins are _______________.

    1. polar bears and blue whales

    2. octopuses and moral eels

    3. leopard seals and killer whales

  9. Penguins are social animals and _______________.

    1. most are found in flocks called "rookeries"

    2. often raise their flippers to greet one another

    3. take care of each other's chicks

  10. Penguin chicks are cared for by _______________.

    1. the male parent

    2. the female parent

    3. both parents

    4. the whole flock

  11. Penguin chicks are fed by _______________.

    1. regurgitation of partially digested food from the parent's throat

    2. hand of zoo keepers

    3. the female parent with milk

  12. A penguin chick can recognize its parents by _______________.

    1. the size and shape of the orange patch on their necks

    2. the color of their bills

    3. their call or "song"

Penguin Secrets of Survival Challenge (PBS)  |  Learning from the Movies © Alan & Hui Meng