Process of Posting
to Secondary Schools

On release of the Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) results, pupils with outstanding performance will be invited to apply for the Edusave Entrance Scholarships for Independent Schools (EESIS). These pupils will be given a second option to choose up to 4 independent schools.

The top 10% of the successful PSLE candidates who take Chinese or Higher Chinese will also be given a second option. In this option, they may choose up to 3 Special Assistance Plan (SAP) schools.

"Currently, the top 10% of PSLE students are offered a second chance to opt for SAP schools after the PSLE results are published. We will broaden this "Second Option" to the top 30% of PSLE students who are eligible to offer HCL."

Source: Ministerial Statement by BG Lee on Chinese Language in Schools, 20 Jan 1999

Note: From 2003, all pupils sitting for the PSLE will choose their secondary schools after the release of the PSLE results. This will replace the current process where PSLE students choose their secondary schools in August, before the start of the PSLE.     » More

Your child will be considered for posting first to independent schools under EESIS, second to SAP schools and lastly to schools chosen under the first option in August post-PSLE results. Successful PSLE pupils are ranked in the order of merit irrespective of order of choice of secondary schools made in August. They are considered for posting one by one in order of merit.

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Second Option
An EESIS place in
an independent school?
Arrow Pointing Right Yes Arrow Pointing Right
Post to one of four independent schools chosen
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down

NoArrow Pointing LeftArrow Pointing LeftArrow Pointing Left
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down

Opted for SAP schools?
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
A place in
a SAP school?
Arrow Pointing Right Yes Arrow Pointing Right
Post to SAP school
[Priority given to pupils from affiliated primary schools]
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Pixel Start of First Option
A place in
an affiliated secondary school
opted as first choice in August post-PSLE results?
Arrow Pointing Right Yes Arrow Pointing Right
Post to the affiliated secondary school
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
A place in
a school of choice opted in August?
Arrow Pointing Right Yes Arrow Pointing Right
Post to school of choice
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Post to a school
within the same postal district
that still has vacancies
Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
No vacancy
within same postal district

Arrow Pointing Down
Arrow Pointing Down
Post to a school
which still has vacancies

Brought to you by "Parenting the Next Generation"
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