Nervous System :: Quiz

  1. When you have a toothache, you feel pain because _______________.

    1. there is a cavity in your tooth

    2. tiny bits of food are left between your teeth

    3. bacteria digest the food left between your teeth and produce an acid

    4. the cavity reaches the nerves and the nerves send a message to the brain

  2. Nerve cells tell muscles what to do by using _______________.

    1. electrical impulses

    2. plasma

    3. the spinal cord

    4. vertebra

  3. _______________ are specialized cells that are sensitive to stimuli and can turn them into electrical impulses.

    1. Effectors

    2. Synapses

    3. Receptors

  4. Any part of the body that produces a response to stimuli.

    1. effector

    2. neuron

    3. receptor

  5. Any quick response to stimuli that by passes the brain.

    1. reflex action

    2. voluntary action

    3. knee jerk

  6. What are the three (3) main parts of the nervous system?

    1. cerebellum, cerebrum, medulla

    2. brain, spinal cord, nerves

    3. cochlea, nerves, vestibule

  7. The cerebellum is the portion of the brain located in the back of the head between the cerebrum and the brain stem. It controls your _______________.

    1. balance and coordination

    2. breathing, heart rate, blood pressure

    3. voluntary movement, speech, hearing, vision, memory, reasoning

  8. The cerebrum is the largest part of your brain and is composed of two hemispheres (right and left). It controls your _______________.

    1. voluntary movement, speech, hearing, vision, memory, reasoning

    2. breathing, heart rate, blood pressure

    3. balance and coordination

  9. If the left side of your brain is injured then _______________ would be impaired.

    1. all bodily functions

    2. the left side of the body

    3. the right side of the body

  10. The outer covering of the brain is called cerebral cortex. It is covered with _______________.

    1. axons

    2. dendrites

    3. nerve cells

    4. pons

  11. Nerve cells are ball-shaped and each has two (2) kinds of nerve fibres growing from it. The shorter branches are called dendrites; they _______________.

    1. take in messages from other nerve cells

    2. carry messages out of the nerve cell to other nerve cells

    3. carry messages in and out of the nerve cell

  12. The longer branches extending from a nerve cell are called axons; they _______________.

    1. take in messages from other nerve cells

    2. carry messages out of the nerve cell to other nerve cells

    3. carry messages in and out of the nerve cell

  13. The brain stem is the base of the brain that connects the brain to the spinal cord. It controls your _______________.

    1. voluntary movement, speech, hearing, vision, memory, reasoning

    2. balance and coordination

    3. breathing, heart rate, blood pressure

  14. The brain stem is composed of _______________.

    1. the spinal cord, axon, vertebra

    2. the medulla, pons and middlebrain tissue

    3. brain buds and flowers

  15. The base of your brain extends into your spinal cord which is _______________.

    1. a fat column of nerve cells

    2. the backbone made up of 33 vertebrae

    3. a fat bundle of blood vessels

  16. _______________ (31) branch out from the spinal cord and these continue to branch off until they reach every part of your body.

    1. Bronchial tubes

    2. Spinal nerves

    3. Blood vessels

Interactive Assessment Worksheets © Alan & Hui Meng